Truth – A Family Discussion

In Deuteronomy, God’s Word instructs us to talk about His commandments within our families. This month we would like for you to talk about the first of Wylie Prep’s Cornerstones, TRUTH, with your family.

Deuteronomy 5:6-7 – These commandments that …

“We Don’t Do That Here”

“‘We can’t attack those people; they are stronger than we are.’ And they spread among the Israelites a bad report about the land they had explored. They said, ‘The land we explored devours those living in it. All the people …

The Cornerstone of Truth

In this world, there are sides. The right side or the wrong side. Reality or illusion. Truth or lies. The consequences of choosing a side are staggering—in this life, freedom and happiness or bondage and misery, and in the next …

Ten Blessings of the Game of Football

  1. Football challenges you to develop a positive approach even to the most negative situations. Anyone can be complain and be negative in a difficult situation; it takes a champion to face it and find ways to remain positive and hopeful.

A Culture of Encouragement

We may not realize it, but encouraging others is hugely important to God. After the early church scattered because of persecution, a new colony of Christians appeared in Antioch. Leaders in Jerusalem decided to send Barnabas, whose name means “Son …

Have Fun, Do your Best, and Be a Blessing

Sometimes schools and students need a motto, a succinct catch-phrase that captures core truths about the culture and orients everyone toward right thinking and action. “Have Fun, Do your Best, and Be a Blessing” is a great place to start. …

Your Most Valuable Player?

When we get to heaven we will probably want to remind God of all the good things we did while we lived on earth. We will want Him to know how active we were at church and list for Him …